Share your Pictures, Videos and Reviews of your Laurie Sarah Rings and Jewelry!

We love to see your Pictures, Boomerangs, Videos and hear your Reviews!  

  1. Pictures!  These can be emailed to Originals and uncropped/full sized pictures are best.
  2. Boomerangs and Videos!  If these are too big to be emailed, you can share them on our Instagram through Direct Message @LaurieSarahDesigns
  3. Reviews!  Be sure to review your purchases.  This can be done by putting your LS number in the search bar and scrolling down to the bottom of the listing.  Add your review under the “Review Tab”.

All media and reviews shared with Laurie Sarah Designs become property of Laurie Sarah Designs and may be used for these purposes as well as others: advertising purposes, listing purposes, and shared on our social media platforms.  We will use only your first name, or initials, never your full name and will only tag your social media platform if we have your permission to do so.  Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.

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